These are Krishna's offerings because today is his birthday.
All of his favorite foods.

This little boy was in a play I saw. It was extremely
colorful and enthusiastic.

This is near the remote village we visited a few weeks ago. It was amazingly
quite and peaceful...
Like I mentioned earlier today is Krishna's birthday so these little footprints
represent his footprints as a child. The families that put these there hope that Krishna
will enter into their home.

These children could have started a riot! they crowded around me pushing and shoving because they wanted to be in the picture.

"Everything is God," this phrase has been repeated to me several times since
I have been here in India. The first time I heard the three letter
sentence I was taken back for a second.
After letting these three words sit in my mouth for a
a minute I felt a sense of relief. These people know where they came from,
they are happy and they know their place because
"Everything is God."